Friday, October 31, 2008


Finally back in circulation having spent the last 2 days in the library wing with only a jug of Pimms for company, swatting for last night's little test. It's like being back at school, without the beatings (how I miss those days). Fellows is complaining about having to replace the books I've used. I've no idea why I employ him Pater would not have stood for his insolence, but he's been with me now since that rugger tour back in the 80's (still not quite sure where he came from - one minute we were horsing around with some young fillies and a lot of beer and the next moment he was following us around and helping sort things out).

Taking breakfast in the orangery with the Memsahib. Will expect to be waited on hand and foot (as I damn well should be!) as the little grey cells feel somewhat overused this morning. Some kedgeree and kidneys should kick-start the day.

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